Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Telephone Game

We all remember the telephone whisper a secret into the ear of the person next to you, they in turn do the same to the person next to them, and so on. Innevitably by the time the secret reaches the last person...jerica is a sweet girl becomes jerica has fake boobs and her husband is sleeping with Betty. You get the picture. I am a firm believer in "never speculate!" If there is something I want to know, go straight to the source, rather than by word of someone elses mouth. Why waste time wondering when you can just ask and get the answer straight from the horses mouth?

My husband and I have been together for about 6 years now, and getting ready to celebrate our 1 year anniversary this august. We were in no rush at all to get married, we were content, but eventually we consented and took the big plunge. Since then let me tell you it has been a whirlwind. We announced our engagement and it was quickly followed up moments later by, " so when is the big day?" after we were married it has been, "so when are you having babies?" and let me tell you I have heard tons of crazy speculation from, "oh jenn can't get pregnant" to "oh they don't want kids". So let just put that little bit of nonsense to rest. We just are enjoying ourselves right now...taking things slow...enjoying being newlyweds. We will start a family when the time is right for us. And as of now, we do plan on having a family one day.

Why is it that we are always in a hurry? What is so important that we don't take the time to slow down, take a deep breath and revel In the moment? I actually have been making a conscience effort to slow down and take each moment in. Life is so short that it can be gone in the blink of an eye and I want to make sure that I don't miss a moment of it. So while you might waste your time speculating I will use my time more productively and use it to, well...stop and smell the roses.


  1. yeah, I'm getting sick of people asking when I'm getting married. As if I have to be married to be happy. Screw useless people

  2. I hate it when people do that! When Zak and I first got married, it was the same thing - "When are you all having kids?" Oh, but just wait, after you have a kid, it's like "those people" aren't satisfied with just one kid! The next question you ask? "Oh, when are you having another kid?" Hello?!?! McFly?!?! What's so wrong with one kid? She's happy, healthy, and super cute...What more could we ask for?! People are just greedy! haha :) It's not about quality to them, it's about quantity. UGH!
