Monday, June 6, 2011


The all consuming Facebook. Let me be the first to say that I am in fact a Facebook user and that as of yet I have no intentions of ever not having a Facebook account. I do however have to say that facebook is definitely the drug of this day and age. Yes drug, as in heroine or cocaine.

When if first got my account a few years ago I was on it 24/7 but I was a "closet facebook addict" I found myself always checking to see who was doing what. I mean really how important is it to know that Billie sue went and bought potatoes at the grocery store and tammie Jo changed five poopy diapers before 12:00? But somehow I found myself being sucked into the facebook vortex. I always wanted to know what exciting things people were up to and again I question my definition of exciting. But in time I was in fact able to ween myself off facebook and now find myself going days or weeks without checking it. I know every facebook user secretly relates to my previous addiction however most will never admit it. They will continue stalking out pages behind the privacy of their own computer or cellular device.

A friend recently brought to my attention that I had almost 300 friends on facebook which surprised even me since I only talk to about 12 people on there? Again I was puzzled. So as I found myself deleting my "facebook friends" I suddenly realized that some of these people who friend requested me have never even messaged me to say hello? Here in lies my nickname fake book friends. I mean really half the people only requested me as a friend to be nosey and see what I looked like now and if I was married with kids and if I was successful. I only have so much insight into this particular situation because I will be honest I too have friended people in the past for that same reason.

I feel like a lot of people on facebook always seem to have the most perfect lives and perfect jobs and husband and children. And I found myself comparing my life to these "perfect people" and suddenly not appreciating what I have and wishing for the things I don't. Really? I mean some days my husband simply rolls over in the morning and I am annoyed with him. Somedays I really don't like my job and even though I don't have kids yet I'm pretty sure I have already grounded them for something they will do in the future. That's reality. It's called real life. Just once I would like to read "damn today sucked" instead of "best day ever :)". Of course I'm not saying my life isn't good but I'm saying that fake book people don't really have it as perfect as they make it seem.

I could probably go on about this subject for days but I have to finish up this blog so I can check the latest newsfeed on facebook lol.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I definitely laughed out loud a couple times -- especially where you say that your hubby can roll over in the morning and you're already annoyed with him! That's HILARIOUS! :) Loved reading this; I love your sense of humor. Miss you! :)
