Friday, June 17, 2011

Bad hair day sprinkled with a delivery

Inspiration and kindness are often found in the most unexpected places...and so I blog.

At my job I take care of getting nursing home and assisted living patients medicines ready. It is a very long and tedious process but the upside for me has become when I get to actually take these medicines to a few of these places. I also take medicine to peoples homes who are unable to get to the pharmacy to pick up their medicine.

Mind you, this is not always a positive thing but in more cases than not it is. I mean I have seen people in their underwear, people who could have passed for a yeti, felt like I was in a secret episode of hoarders and a petrified cat could be in the corner, had a man fart in front of me...I could go on but you get the picture. And don't get me wrong farts are funny. I don't care who you are, they are funny, but in this particular instance it wasn't so funny coming from a man in his tighty whiteys, beer gut hanging out, toenails that were as long as fingernails, sitting in a recliner, wooley mammoth resembling body hair letting out a sound barrier breaking fart. Yeah...not so funny. Okay I'll be honest when I got back to the car I laughed so hard I thought I wouldn't stop. But that's a whole nother story.

A few weeks ago I was kind of having a bad morning. It was one of those hate my job, sprinkled with a dash of bad hair day and wish I could trade faces with someone type of mornings. So I go to this assisted living facility where there are juveniles, some really with it, and some not so much. I walk in the door and a girl a little younger than me walks up to me and gives me a great big hug. She asks me how my day is going and tells me how pretty I look. I can't help but smile and we banter back and forth for a few mintues before I have to leave. Afterward it hits me like a ton of bricks just how good I do have it. These young people will never have the freedom I do, get to experience a lot of the things I do, and yet they always greet me with a smile like they couldn't be any happier if they tried. But this girl who probably thought nothing more of the incident really made my day with nothing more than kind words and a smile. It cost absolutely nothing, completely free and yet it was worth everything to me in that moment.

1 comment:

  1. That was so nice of her to give you a hug! :) Some of the best things in life are free...hugs, kisses, cuddles, soft pillows, cold rooms, and thick blankets = happiness. :)
