"Beauty comes in all sizes-not just five"---Roseanne
How many times in your life have you found yourself staring in the mirror nitpicking how you look? I don't know a single woman who doesn't have insecurities, myself included. Looking back I think I have always been insecure with the way I look, even when I was a size 7. That was so long ago but I still am dumbfounded as to how I felt that way.
Lets face it, if men did not exist women would be fat and happy...or would we? I have often believed what society makes us think, that it's all these magazines and actresses and models that average women are constantly trying to live up to. But the truth is that even those women have insecurities. I have never met a woman that doesn't see at least ten flaws when she sees her reflection in the mirror. So why do we let ourselves get inside our own head?
I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have never thought of myself as gorgeous but I have never thought I was unattractive either. I will probably continue to struggle with my weight all my life and I have at times dreading going to social occasions because I can't find anything I feel good about wearing. I often see myself eating a damn cookie and thinking good lord woman put that 100 calorie thing down. We as women are often our harshest critics. Just because you aren't a size 6 doesn't mean you should consider becoming a shut in. Just because you have frizzy unmanageable hair doesn't mean you aren't gorgeous. Just because you don't wear a C cup doesn't mean you need to get implants. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just roll out of bed, shower, throw on some clothes and leave the house thinking damn I look amazing? instead of caking on the makeup and spending an hour straightening our hair while we tear through the closet leaving "it didn't look good" clothes in our wake?
My point is that I...we...need to get to a place where our value is not based solely on our looks. Some of the most beautiful people I know are beautiful because of who they are as a person. Looks eventually fade and all you are left with is what's on the inside. When you are standing at those pearly gates one day, trust me, they won't be worried about how you look. So I think I will try and start working on my insecurities...day by day. My end goal being that I can walk through life being proud of the way I look and finally feeling like my outward appearance matches my inner.
"we must become the change we want to see"---Gandhi
So true! As they say, "You are your own worst critic." Sometimes when I think I'm having a bad-hair day, Zak says he can't even tell -- he thinks it looks the same. Umm...What does that say about my good hair days?!?! haha :) Anyway, it's not about what's on the outside, it's the inside. One day my boobs (though tiny! haha :)) may hang to my toes, and heck, Zak and I may even start getting bigger ears/noses and hair growing out of now-flawless places, but at least me and Zak will be laughing together! haha :)